Rotary Club of the Wet Mountain Valley
P. O. Box 425
Westcliffe, CO 81252

Chartered February 23, 1968


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Rotary is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Approximately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 32,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas. Locally the Wet Mountain Valley Rotary Club is a member of District 5470, which is composed of 67 clubs in the southern 2/3rds of Colorado. District 5470 is part of Zone 26, and there are 34 zones across the world.

The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to foster an opportunity for service, high ethical standards for business and professions, and the application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life.

The Four-Way Test of a Rotarian

Of the things we think, say, or do:

1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned

Rotary Vision Statement - Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.

Club Mission: We provide an opportunity for Service above Self locally and internationally with a specific focus on youth and the elderly. We do this in order to make our community and the world a better place to live.

The Wet Mountain Valley Rotary Foundation is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, so all donations are tax deductible. 100% of the monies collected go to support the students and community.


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Please donate to help our Community!
100% of your 501(c)3 goes back to the community.
Wet Mountain Valley Rotary Foundation

Club Meets Each Month on Monday:
(check the Club Calendar)

Monday's at 12:00 pm
Rancher's Roost
25 Main Street
Westcliffe, CO 81252
Restaurant Phone: 719-783-2147

Meets last Monday of the quarter in March, June, and September for a dinner meeting.
Email: info at

2024 - 2025 Officers & Chairs

Dennis Hagerty & Donna Hood
Kim Townsend
Past President
Dennis Hagerty
Donna Hood 
Cheryl Sharkey

Membership - Courtney Miller
Club Foundation/RI Foundation - Donna Hood
Medical Lending - Dennis Hagerty (415-320-0683)
Rotary Youth Exchange - TBD
Rotary Youth Leadership - Cheryl Laramore
Rotary Van - Merton Young
Van Dispatch - Nona Gladbach  (719-783-2343)